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Welcome to the
Julian Schwinger Foundation for Physics Research

The Julian Schwinger Foundation intends to support such research and educational activities for which funding from other sources is typically not available. Julian Schwinger had a particular interest in multi-scale physics such as, for example, energy concentrating phenomena. While JSF accords proposals on such topics with high priority, all proposals based on well -grounded physics research, even if daring, are considered seriously.

In addition, limited funds are available for improving educational opportunities at the undergraduate level and above. In particular, the foundation will consider applications for sponsorship for scientific workshops, conferences summer schools and the like, as well as grants for undergraduate research projects.

All applications will be considered based upon merit, regardless of the race and religion of the applicants. The foundation reserves the right to deny funding to proposals that do not meet its standards of scholarship, creativity and feasibility. Refusal of funding is final with no appeal or recourse available.

Board of Directors

From left to right: Seth Putterman, President and CEO; Berge Englert, Vice President and Scientific Secretary;
Lester L. DeRaad, Jr., Financial Secretary and CFO; Edward T. Yu, Science Advisor; Y. Jack Ng, Administrative Secretary